There is no way that you could say this Corrie week has been a less than an action packed affair! We've been treated to a library sit-in - with Goethe quotes and collective action that would've made Bob Crow proud. An act on vandalism on Les Dennis's Ice Cream van (not a euphemism...) and a pensioner punch-up. All that, and more Eccles the dog bothering...this time by Lou Ferrino Jr - Simon Barlow...Phew!
That's why I'll be doing this round up in sections...nothing to do with me being away for a few days, honest! ;-)
So first up, the campaign for justice. No, not the for innocent Peter. A far more worthy cause - against the closure of Weatherfield's knowledge and information hub... No, not Ken or Roy...
In shock news to Weatherfield residents, Roy announced the imminent closure of the never mentioned, yet heavily used local library. Roy only stumbled on this news when he tried to return a book borrowed by his late wife and fifth Beatle, Hayley. The news soon swept like wildfire. Emily Bishop's (Widow of the Parish/Church-goer/ part-time Anarcho-syndicalist) ears were certainly burning...
Roy, resplendent in beige and clutching his shopping bag proudly - immediately started a petition against the closure. A measured act for a measured man. That was until he met Yasmeen. As Chief Librarian, some may say she has a vested interest - that is until she starts her spiel. And by the thump, does she have a spiel. Every time she appears another Elizabethan speech is delivered with the swish of a pashmina...The nearest Weatherfield has got to Rosa Luxemburg. With a selfie...

Anyway...after hearing quite how Liz MacDonald *enjoys* a library, and lovely Craig can do his homework there without getting picked on, Roy engaged in diplomatic and tactical talks with Anarcho-Emily, and Yasmeen. Over milky coffee and shortbread fingers, Emily regaled with her previous experience of brick throwing and trespass. For a moment, I thought she was going to tell us about her time at Greenham...but alas not. I'm sure she had many a jumble sale to organise for, or was manning the barricades at Orgreave at the time
Roy eventually capitulated, and reluctantly engaged in a bit of direct action. Craig, Emily and Mary helped out too...but Craig had to go home for his tea, Mary had concerns about leaving her Motor-home overnight in Salford, and Emily was starting to nod off. Despite these setbacks, after a night-time sit-in - consisting of 'Rosa' and Roy falling out, eating cheese butties, heavy use of the reference section by Roy/internet by 'Rosa', and the eventual detente between them - the library was granted a reprieve... Hurrah!
...Until it burned down!
But as Mary said, like a 'Phoenix from the Ashes (pun intended), the library will rise again'. And oh boy, did it?! Roy's got some bookcases and the 'Community Library' in Roy's Rolls is born!
I can imagine it now. 'Fifty Shades...' over a toasted teacake...what more could Deidre want?

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